Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Emerging Trends, Opportunities and Innovations.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) technologies, training and support have benefitted from significant emerging trends in recent years to cope with the changing environments experienced by many users.  The landscape of inclusion, whether it means different forms of digital accessibility, tele-support or more built-in assistive technology in everyday devices, has helped many more individuals with speech and language difficulties.  There has also been an increased use of artificial intelligence, including machine learning and natural language processing with speedier voice banking, improved multilingual text to speech, location capturing apps and prediction technologies with many more ideas providing the world of AAC with a wealth of exciting emerging trends, opportunities and innovations.
This Special Thematic Session (STS) aims to encourage those involved in the field of AAC to share their knowledge and reflections about emerging trends, opportunities and/or innovations experienced over the last few years with discussions around how, where and what improvements could be made to further support complex communication needs.  Papers for inclusion may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Emerging trends across AAC
  • Innovations in support, training and teletherapy
  • Opportunities for new technologies
  • Use of various forms of artificial intelligence
  • Exemplars from users, carers and those working in the field of AAC to enhance knowledge building


  • E.A. Draffan, ECS Accessibility Team, Faculty of Physical Sciences and Engineering University of Southampton

  • David Banes, David Banes Access and Inclusion Services

Contributions to a STS have to be submitted using the standard submission procedures of ICCHP24.
When submitting your contribution please make sure to select the right STS from the drop-down list "Special Thematic Session". Contributions to a STS are evaluated by the Programme Committee of ICCHP-AAATE and by the chair(s) of the STS. Please get in contact with the STS chair(s) for discussing your contribution and potential involvement in the session.