Contracting and Funding Online-Interventions of Supported Living Services in Germany: Theoretical and Empirical Insights to realize Social Inclusion

Experts / speakers / chairs / moderators that will be involved: 
Frank Liekmeier (M.A.)
Proposed format: 
Presentation with
Abstract / Short Description of the Proposed Session – will be published in the conference programme and the Book of Abstracts: 
Regarding how online-based services can be realized and which solutions can be used in the process of change, Liekmeier presented on contracting and funding for online-based services in assisted living for people with disabilities in Germany. Starting with development needs, he continued with the framework of assisted living and workable solutions to round up with a preview of the outlook. In conclusion, a dialogue-based procedure enables the assessment of digital participation needs. To develop an individual help assessment, the use of participative structures must be established. This allows a personal cosulting by the Independent Peer Counseling Agencies (EUTB), attained by application, counselling and support, which can build on the development of one's own decision points, self-organisation, and user control. In outlook of the communal development opportunities, approaches of social services rely on the development of specialist concepts; participative structures need a concrete design of services; self-advocacy requires cooperation and commitment via service providers; and self-organisations need a personal budget.